For over 40 years, Dynamic has been innovating and creating products that clean the air and reduce the carbon footprint of the built environment. From homes and apartments to anthrax clean-ups and the world’s most valuable art collection, Dynamic systems are in hundreds of thousands of buildings around the world, ensuring the highest level of air quality, while providing energy and operational savings.
Energy saved by clients using Dynamic Air Cleaners to reduce fan energy and heating and cooling loads and what it means for the planet.

Clean Air
Powerful contaminant capture systems meet the most rigorous IAQ standards for new facilities, retrofitting and renovating the filtration in older systems, and solving indoor and outdoor air quality issues.

Save Energy
90% of the cost of filtration is energy. Standard filters use up to 3X more than our V8. Smaller equipment results in less energy consumption, fewer replacements, and fewer IAQ retrofits for existing buildings.

Reduce Maintenance
The longest service life in the industry equals a fraction of the filter changes, the overall reduction in the use of associated equipment, labor, transportation, and disposal costs.