1” and 2” Panels
High Efficiency Filtration and Odor Removal

Dynamic Panel Air Cleaners bring the power of polarized-media technology to smaller equipment with 1” and 2” tracks. They provide a quantum improvement in IAQ versus the low-efficiency passive filters typically installed – at a lower static pressure and longer service life. Our panels are industry-leading IAQ solutions for any application.
Standard MERV 6-9 filters are installed to keep the "big stuff" off of downstream coils or high-efficiency filters. However, they do little from an IAQ standpoint. A 2” MERV 13 filter can initially be relatively effective at capturing particles, but it loads quickly and loses efficiency.
Because of their mechanisms, Dynamic Panel Air Cleaners can provide the particle levels of a MERV 13 passive filter, while they deep clean the air of ultrafine particles, adsorbed odors, and gas phase contaminants through agglomeration.
Further, they can be combined with Dynamic UVC Systems for “catch, hold, kill” effectiveness. UVC needs contact time and proximity to inactivate pathogens. When pathogens are captured on the translucent media of a Dynamic Panel, the Sterile Sweep or Sterile Sweep Remote technology has sufficient time in close proximity to inactivate them. This is far more cost effective than a UVC array, which is designed for "kill on the fly."
Dynamic Panel Air Cleaners may be installed as individual units in smaller equipment or filter grilles, or as tandem units that connect together mechanically and electrically in equipment with larger racks. They are available in a range of standard sizes, and may also be customized to the specific dimensions of a given system. Both single and tandem options can be wired to a single power supply or control that slides directly into a 2” filter track in most packaged rooftops and air handlers. Where static pressure constraints do not allow for 2” air cleaners, Dynamic 1” Panel Air Cleaners also offer both single and tandem options.