Poor IAQ is Expensive!

Poor Indoor Air Quality can negatively impact your heating and cooling system’s performance and add to the cost of running your system. According to the EPA, a buildup of .042 (1/20) inches of dirt on the indoor cooling coil can result in a decrease in efficiency of up to 21%.
There are three basic types of filtration methods in use today.
Passive filters use a fibrous filtering material. Generally, the cheaper the filter, the less air resistance and less effective. The higher the air resistance, more energy is required to overcome the airflow resistance, contributing to higher energy costs to operate. If a passive filter is too restrictive, it can cause damage to mechanical equipment.
Electronic, corona discharge filters electrically charge particles passing through them, then attract the particles to a series of grounded collector plates where the dirt accumulates. The collector is then removed for cleaning. Corona discharge devices become less efficient if the cleaning regimen is not maintained properly. Dirty filters may cause arcing which can produce uncontrolled ozone; the EPA has identified this as a harmful substance or gas. While ozone may be a good oxidizing agent, it is not good to have it above EPA standard levels in the air we breathe.
Active electronic polarized-media air cleaners are the newest technology using an electrical charge to establish a polarized field. Airborne particles pass through the field and adhere to the media. Like a passive filter, polarized media filters increase in efficiency as they load. Designed for use primarily in recirculating systems, polarized media filters can provide extremely high efficiency with a static pressure drop much lower than passive filters claiming a similar efficiency. Resulting in a decrease in energy consumption. Unlike corona discharge devices, the Dynamic cannot produce ozone, and maintenance is easy with periodic replacement of a disposable media.
The solution is to address the cause, not the symptoms, with a whole house indoor air cleaning strategy. Heating and cooling systems move over 1.5 million cubic feet of polluted air everyday throughout your home. A whole-house air cleaning system will clean your indoor air 24 hours a day, naturally, without using any dangerous chemicals or sprays.
With decades of experience and proven success in the engineering of both residential and commercial indoor air cleaning systems, Dynamic Air Quality Solutions has the experts that professional heating and cooling contractors rely on to address your indoor air quality needs. Dynamic Air Quality Solutions’ products are designed to support the proper air flow and high intensity air cleaning that controls even the smallest sub-micron particles in the air that you breathe.