UV Technology

According to the EPA, airborne flu viruses can be captured and sterilized with a combination of high efficiency filters and UVC light.
A MERV10 filter alone captures only 10% of flu virus on a single pass, but adding an ultraviolet lamp triples the capture/sterilize rate to 35%, preventing the distribution of pathogens into occupied spaces.
Ultraviolet energy inactivates viral, bacterial, and fungal organisms so they are unable to replicate and potentially cause disease. Although the entire UV spectrum is capable of inactivating microorganisms, UVC energy (wavelengths of 100 - 280 nm) provides the most germicidal effect. UVA (wavelengths of 315 -400 nm) and UVB (wavelengths of 280 – 315 nm) take much more time and need to be closer to the microorganism than with UVC to inactivate it.
The majority of modern UV germicidal lamps create UVC energy with an electrical discharge through a low-pressure gas (including mercury vapor) enclosed in a quartz tube, similar to fluorescent lamps. Roughly 95% of the energy produced by these lamps is radiated at a near-optimal wavelength of 253.7 nm.
Directed at a cooling coil or drain pan, UVC energy destroys surface biofilm – a gluey matrix of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, debris, etc.) that grows in the presence of moisture. Biofilm is prevalent in HVAC systems and can lead to a host of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and operational problems that are often misattributed to mold.
UVC also deactivates airborne microorganisms on-the-fly as they pass through the irradiated zone – provided the light is strong enough. UV lights below 55 microwatts of power have little effect for this application; 70–180 microwatts are recommended.
Dynamic Series2 UVC lamps produce 180 microwatts per lamp – significantly higher than many other UVC lamps.
Outside the sun emits several wavelengths of light that serve many purposes in our outdoor environment: helping plants grow, producing vitamin D in the skin, skin tanning, kill germs and deodorize the air. These wavelengths are broken down with different measurements each serving a separate function or purpose and they are measured in nanometers (nm). The Ultraviolet (UV) spectrum consists of UVA, UVB, UVC, and VUV (or UVV). Visual light is above 400 nm, and the UV spectrum ranges from 400 to 10 nm as depicted below:

Name | Abbreviation | Wavelength Range |
Before UV Spectrum | Visible Light | Above 400 nm |
Ultraviolet, long wave, or black light | UVA | 400 nm–315 nm |
UVB or medium wave tanning salons | UVB | 315 nm–280 nm |
Ultraviolet C short wave or germicidal | UVC | 280 nm–100 nm |
Ultraviolet V (Vacuum) ozone | VUV or UVV | 200 nm–100 nm |
Beyond UV range | X-Rays | below 10 nm |
By controlling surface and airborne microbes, UVC can be beneficial in many ways.

IAQ Control. UVC improves air quality by preventing the spread of airborne viruses and reducing the allergy and asthma symptoms triggered by biofilm/mold. It creates safer and more comfortable indoor environments, resulting in a happier and healthier home for you and your family.

Energy Savings. Studies show that even a very thin (.024”) layer of biofilm buildup on a coil increases energy consumption by 21.5%. UVC provides continuous cleaning of coils to eliminate biofilm more effectively than conventional cleaning methods. Field data from UVC commercial and healthcare installations has shown resulting HVAC energy savings ranging from 10% to 28%.
Dynamic Series2 Germicidal UVC Lamps are whole house systems that install directly into the central heating and cooling system ductwork or plenum. The high intensity Dual-Radiant™ UVC “H” Lamp disinfects the air by neutralizing airborne pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and mold.